Well, we’re back with a new addition to the collection. No Retro Line or Classified figure, but a new Funko Pop figure. Let’s take a look at Shipwreck!

As with all Funko Pop figures, the resemblance is there and the vinyl figure that has the same height as a 3.75″ G.I. Joe figure looks really good. They designed him with his grappling hook and rope in hand and that is a nice detail to his original figure. There is one big downside on the figure and that is the fact that he is missing his – and our – beloved parrot Polly. How did this get through quality control? If you say Shipwreck, you say Polly. It’s like Bert and Ernie, Simon and Garfunkel, Yin and Yang. To make matters worse, on the box art on the back, they display his classic box art with the parrot!

I already had collected the previous G.I. Joe Funko pop figures (see here and here, but I also have the others: Snake-Eyes, Roadblock (again him), Storm Shadow (the white one) and Cobra Commander (the helmet version)). Next to that, I have a whole load of other Funko Pops from all types of geeky culture (from Star Trek to Thunderbirds, from Boy meet World to Care Bears, from Back to the Future to Ghostbusters). I also have one of the Sarge (see here). They are milking it for everything it’s worth with all the possible franchises you can think of, but hey, I’m a sucker for them. The next one I need to track down is the Beachhead NYCC exclusive one and the Zartan one that is coming out soon. Keep you posted.
Until next time! Happy Collecting and YoJoe!