Earlier this week my pre-order from Back to the toys arrived.

I had the figures pre-ordered way back in January. So it was a nice surprise to come back from a short holiday and see the box in my package locker.

I know some people aren’t fans of the Funko Pop! line, but I really like them. They display nice and aren’t too expensive – most of them. So far, I’ve got quite the collection (see some of the previous posts on them). From these 4, the Storm Shadow digital camo figure has to be my favorite. Withe the Baroness and Snake Eyes a close 2nd. The colors on Scarlett don’t look quite right to me. The tan and green may be more reminiscent of the original Joes, but I like the faded blue/purple better with the tan of her costume.

In the end, I’m very glad to add these 4 figures to my collection.
Until next time. Happy Collecting and YoJoe!