Microscopic warfare is real!

I’ve had quite a few post about little figures on this blog. Remember I posted about the small Funko Pop figures and the Prexio miniature figures. Back in September 2020, I was actually able to get the G.I. Joe and Cobra Jadatoys Nanofigs set of 6 figures. I realize that I never wrote a post about these little metal set of 6 figures. Now is as a good a time as any I guess. Oh, and keep on reading, because there’s even a bigger and better reason to write a post now.

6 little figures
The back of the card.

I pre-ordered the set with Big Bad Toy Store and while I was waiting on them to ship it, it suddenly came available on our local Amazon site. So I ordered it there instead.

The figures are small, hence the name Nano Figures. They measure around 4cm (1.65″) and weigh in at about 30 gram (1.06 ounce) each. Even though they’re small, the paint on these figures is really good. All figures look they original 3 3/4″ counterparts. The paint is nice and shiny, a tad too shiny maybe, but I’m not complaining.

We be rolling… Small wheels

Next to the little figures, Jada also released the first set of little vehicles. As a kid, I used to have quite some micro-machines, but they got lost along the way to adulthood and being a G.I.Joe collector. Still, I can appreciate the small vehicles. I do wonder though, why they chose the A.W.E. Striker as the card art, when they could have easily put on one of the vehicles from the pack. Still, it’s an iconic piece of art, so it helps to sell I guess.

The big box of little figures

Flashforward to this week and I received the Series 1 box (I guess the first set of 6 was a teaser). This box contains 18 figures, a very decent mix of Joes and Cobras.

On the left we got Duke, Scarlett and Lady Jaye. The second column has Storm Shadow, Doc and Firefly.

In the middle 2 columns we get Snake-Eyes, Dusty and a B.A.T. Next to them, Cobra Commander Barbecue and a Cobra Trooper.

On the right, The Baroness, Roadblock and Zartan. And finally at the far right, Destro, Flint and Serpentor.

The box has a nice mix of the most popular Joes and Cobra’s, but also throws in a few figures that get less love, like Doc, Dusty and Barbecue. Each of these little fellas is nicely painted and immediately recognizable.

Eagle eyed readers may have noticed that there is a small flaw on the box, they placed a sticker on Serpentor’s name on both the front and back of the box.

I didn’t check on my box, I don’t want to damage it, but it’s reported that there is a print error. They have him named “Serpento”. Way to go, quality control…

And just when you thought this was a lot of small figures, here’s another one.

Duke has a ride

It’s another Duke figure and yes, it’s the same figure as in the previous sets. But this time he gets a ride. The V.A.M.P. And yes, that’s the A.W.E. Striker again on the package. It’s a nice size of vehicle and I would live to see other figures on this scale. They’re showing a H.I.S.S. Tank on the back with a Destro figure, but I haven’t been able to find this set online anywhere. If you happen to come across one, let me know!

Also available?

That’s all for these small figures for now. More small news may be coming soon. Keep you posted.

Happy Collecting and YoJoe!

The one that got away

This post could have easily come 5 years ago, when I had visited the Forbidden Planet store on Shaftesbury Avenue for the last time. I nearly bought a big set of G.I. Joe toys there, but I was with the train and limited in luggage space. That and it was the last day of our city trip and all my GBP’s were gone. Needless to say that I was seriously doubting to pull out the MasterCard, but my head won from my heart and so I settled for some new comic books.

Flashforward to September 2021 and here we are. As I’m writing this, you’ll need an international passport to travel to London from Belgium as a result of Brexit. So I didn’t go to London to pick it up, but I can say that finally I was able to score this set – quite affordable as well, since prices have done nothing but go up since 2016. Very glad to add the 2016 SDCC Exclusive G.I. JOE VS Transformers boxset.

It’s a BIG box.

It has to be a big box as not only does it contain a Scarlett and a Zartan figure, but it also has a H.I.S.S. Tank and a Rattler. Both vehicles are meant to be Transformers, though of course, they are just the original G.I. Joe molds without any transforming capabilities. The H.I.S.S. tank is the Decepticon Soundwave and has allied himself with Zartan (and Cobra I guess). The Rattler, is the Autobot Powerglide and has sided with Scarlett and the Joes.

Zartan and Soundwave

The H.I.S.S. mold is not the original one, but the 2005 model. The same mold was then re-used in 2014 to create the Septic Tank Mark II. As for the Zartan figure, that’s already the 23rd iteration of the figure. Ever since his original figure in 1984, his looks have changed quite a bit. Remember the 1993 figure? Yeah, I’m trying to forget that one. This figure though is more true to his original look. With the hood and facial make-up. His costume is a combination of black and grey this time and he came with webgear, armored chest plate, 2 guns and 2 swords. But also with some extra heads, including Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes’s head.

Scarlett and Powerglide

The Rattler mold used for Powerglide is still the original one used way back in 1984, which has seen plenty or re-usages over time. In 1998 and 2009 as the Tiger-Rat, in 1997 as the A-10 Thunderbolt and twice – in 2002 (the gold one) and 2008 – as just another Rattler. I actually got the 2002 model myself, bought it in a physical store here in Belgium. Can you believe it?

The Scarlett figure is only the 15th version since 1982. She comes equipped with her web gear, quiver and crossbow. In stark contrast with the black and grey from the Zartan figure, Scarlett is bright. The colors are all there reminiscent of her classic look, but the her red hair is blindingly orange and the yellow tones on her suit and boots are way too bright as well. Just as her lips, that cherry chapstick red is visible from miles away.

All things considered, this really is a very nice set and I’m very glad I can finally add it to my collection.

Thanks for your time and I will see you soon again with more news. Until then, Happy Collecting and YoJoe!

Third time’s the charm.

I could have gone for all good things, come in threes as well. But I like a bit of charm. This time around, we’ll take a look at the latest Classified Roadblock figure, the Heavy Artillery Roadblock. A.k.a. Marvin The Third.

Triple badass

This is the Roadblock figure we should have gotten first. It resembles best his original look if you ask me and frankly, we could have done without the other 2 figures.

Badass art

As always, the art is awesome. In classic style, he is aiming just next to the beholder and he’s looking angry, strong and totally in control. I pity the Cobra Troopers that he has in his sights.

Although I still don’t see why on earth we’d need so many Roadblock figures in the Classified line. Or rather, this early in the line. But I’m not complaining. This figure looks the part and is a great addition to the collection.

See you back soon. Until then, Happy Collecting and YoJoe!

Pocket-sized killer robot

Is there a difference between a robot and an android? I could Google it, but hey, do your own research 😉.

This week I received my Funko Pop! Cobra B.A.T. It’s supposed to be a 2021 Summer Convention Limited Edition Exclusive, but I’ve seen people posting pictures online of finding them in Walmart.

The B.A.T.

I – again – was able to score him/her/it at Back to the Toys, a webshop and physical store in The Netherlands. They have become my one-stop-shop for Funko Pop!’s recently. If you’re in Europe and looking to get Exclusives, Limited Editions or just regular Pops, take a look at their site. Great service and friendly people. When I get to go to The Netherlands again, I’ll be sure to visit their physical store.


The figure itself is a cool homage to the original 3.75 figure, although it doesn’t come with swappable tools. The color scheme is on point and the big head, which is the Pop!’s trademark feature, doesn’t really stand out that much. It rather fits the figure. It always made for an easy target.

That’s all for now. Happy Collecting and YoJoe!

Little friends with Big Heads

Earlier this week my pre-order from Back to the toys arrived.

I had the figures pre-ordered way back in January. So it was a nice surprise to come back from a short holiday and see the box in my package locker.

The Baroness, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow and Scarlett.

I know some people aren’t fans of the Funko Pop! line, but I really like them. They display nice and aren’t too expensive – most of them. So far, I’ve got quite the collection (see some of the previous posts on them). From these 4, the Storm Shadow digital camo figure has to be my favorite. Withe the Baroness and Snake Eyes a close 2nd. The colors on Scarlett don’t look quite right to me. The tan and green may be more reminiscent of the original Joes, but I like the faded blue/purple better with the tan of her costume.

Storm Shadow
The Baroness
Snake Eyes

In the end, I’m very glad to add these 4 figures to my collection.

Until next time. Happy Collecting and YoJoe!

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