G.I. Mo?

As I’ve discussed on this blog many times before, I’m always on the lookout for the more “weirder” G.I. Joe stuff that is out there. Recently I came across an offer I couldn’t resist because of the rareness, and the fact that I have never seen this before. Let me present to you, 2 (out of 4) G.I. Joe comics that have been released in Arabic.

Arab style

These comics are to be read from right to left – as they are printed like that :-). They were released in the early to mid nineties. Issue one was printed in black and white. The other 3 issues were in color. The ones I got, are issues 2-3. They match up with the Marvel issues #128-129 I believe.

First pages

There’s not a lot I could find on these comics. The fact that I can’t read Arabic is part of that, but since it was just such a small series that got released – I wonder why there wasn’t an audience in the Arab world for A Real American Hero comic book series? Pardon the sarcasm. The comics were probably released in the East part of the Arab countries (Iraq through Egypt), because the numerals on the cover are used there, in the Western part, they use the numbers like us.

Facts and puzzles

There is a spread page with some interesting facts in each comic book. And near the end, there even is a crossword puzzle included (with the solution on the next page). There is also a lot of advertisements for other comic book series.

That’s all for now. See you soon. Until then, Happy Collecting and YoJoe!

Snakes in 3D

In my free time, I’m often browsing the web for G.I. Joe toys or G.I. Joe paraphernalia. Last week, I came across someone selling 2 3D printed busts of Serpentor and Cobra Commander online. I struck a deal and now they are here!


The Serpentor statue is displayed on a matching golden Cobra logo. Did I mention already that they are hand painted by the artist? It’s very nicely done and if you ask me, top quality stuff here.

Serpentor Up Close and Printed

Up close, you can see the typical lines left by the 3D printer, but it really is a smooth figure when you feel it. The details are very finely done.

Hooded Cobra Commander

The Cobra Commander bust is a bit smaller and is resting on a small round pedestal. The colors here are sublime!

Cobra Commander Stare contest

Here as well, on the image you can see the lines, but in person, the statue is smooth and looks stunning.

The artist’s signature

If you’re interested in getting one for yourself or maybe you’ll find other prints you like, go and check out the artist’s Instagram page over on www.instagram.com/Frenchy3D. There are a lot of Comic Book figures, movie characters, a Nike shoe, Funko Pop logo, … hundreds of very cool prints.

That’s all for now. See you again soon, until then… Happy Collecting and YoJoe!

Semper Fidelis Serpens

Today the mailman came to my door again with a lovely package from Hasbro. This time around I received the Cobra H.I.S.S. Techno Viper with the H.M.S.

The box

The Techno-Viper comes in the H.I.S.S. tank color scheme and has several accessories, like a backpack, handgun, rifle and a remote control for the HM of the HMS. The HMS has 3 big missiles, legs that can be raised so it can be towed by the H.I.S.S. and a wheel on the back so it can be turned more easily.

The back of the box

Everywhere on the box, the new Cobra H.I.S.S. logo is featured prominently. I have to say that I do like it. It’s simple, but elegant and reflects the H.I.S.S. tank in the shape of the Cobra depicted. The art on the side of the box shows the Techno-Viper close-up and is – as with all the art of the Classified Series really – stunningly beautiful. Let’s hope somebody will be collecting these masterpieces into a little book someday – here’s looking at you 3DJoes :-)!

The side art and 111 number

Also on the box is the Semper Fidelis Serpent emblem. This one is not really printed on, it’s more of an embossed print, it pops up from the cardboard. Not sure if you can see it in the picture, but if you have felt it yourself, you know what I’m talking about.

Semper Fidelis Serpens

That’s all for now. See you back soon with new updates on the collection. Until then… Happy Collecting and YoJoe! (Or Hail Cobra! Or Semper Fidelis Serpens!)

Don’t punch the screen, punch the page!

A while back, I ordered these Pagepunchers 2 figure packs from McFarlane Toys over on Amazon.com and they finally arrived today. Let’s check them out.

Duke and Snake-Eyes

First up are Duke and Snake-Eyes. The packaging of these little figures is great and reminiscent of the original G.I. Joe figures with the explosion in the back. The figures themselves are pocket sized, around 3″in size. They feature 6 points of articulation “for maximum play value” (that’s what the description says). The package also includes a comic book display stand featuring the G.I. Joe logo and 2 comic books (issue #253 of the IDW ARAH run and #10 of the Chuck Dixon run). There is also a bookmark included with the classic Snake-Eyes card art.


The Snake-Eyes figure is looking as bad-ass as ever. This iconic classic design is immediately recognisable and is really cool looking. The Duke figure on the other hand is, well, less so.


I don’t see the resemblance with Duke to be honest, aside from the blond hair and tan shirt, this could be a generic green shirt trooper.

Bookmark included.

Next up we have a set of Cobra Commander and a Crimson Guardsman. This set includes the #267 from the IDW ARAH run and the 2012 Annual from IDW. It also has the stand and same bookmark.

Cobra Commander and Crimson Guard

These figures look their part and closely match the original figures.

Again, we’re seeing the Commander with his battle helmet. No-one is willing or going to touch the hooded version it seems. The color is bright blue and the accents pop out in red and black. I would have liked to have seen his classic pistol, but alas, no accessories are included.

A lot of red on the Crimson Guard, and some black and white. The printed decals are really fine and sharp. No quality issues here it seems.

That’s all for now. See you back soon.

Happy Collecting and YoJoe!

What goes POP when you put a pin in it?

Don’t answer that, just admire my rad wordplay skills and check out the latest additions to my G.I. Joe collection.

I’ve always been collecting stuff related to the G.I. Joe action figures, and they sure do release some paraphernalia – most of it through licensing. I’ve collected the Funko Pop figures, but this time around, I finally pulled the trigger on the Funko Pop Pins and naturally, I got all 4 of them in one go 🙂

Funko Pop Pins

We got Storm Shadow in his G.I. Joe camo outfit, Cobra Commander with battle helmet (I think we really are never going to get a hooded version under license again), Destro and Snake-Eyes, both in their ‘traditional’ look.

Storm Shadow

Not only is he depicted in the white camouflage from the time he joined the Ninja Force, he’s also a glow in the dark pin. Not very stealthy for a ninja if you ask me.

Cobra Commander

Strangely enough, the big head really works well with the chrome battle helmet.


As with the Cobra Commander pin, the big head really makes the chrome pop. Get it, chrome and pop, cause it’s in chrome and it’s a pop… Moving on.

Snake Eyes

Of course they had to include Snake Eyes in the mix. The all black figure gets details shown in chrome and it’s really well done.

Now these aren’t your ordinary lapel pins, they be BIG. Each one is around 4 inches (roughly the size of an OG 1982 style action figure). They come in these sleek black boxes with a clear front and gold accents which give them a rather exclusive look. Just look at the G.I. Joe logo popping out from the black background, just gorgeous! While you’re looking at it, do you notice the “Cobra – The Enemy” tagline on top where you’d expect to see “A Real American Hero”? I’ve never seen it shown like that before, not going to lie, I don’t hate it. Is it weird? Kinda.

As for the practical part, they have 3 prickly bits on the back (the actual pins if you will) and come with a built-in stand that is removable showing the Funko crown.

That’s all for now. See you back again soon(ish). Until then… Happy Collecting and YoJoe!

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