Occasionally I come across something Joe related that is so absurd or weird that I just can’t help myself and I need to get it. Last time around, it was a book filled with all the file cards. This time, I found a book that has all the G.I. Joe trivia a true fan should know… And we all know what knowing is.
What follows now is the product description on the Amazon page. Fairly generic (ready to copy & paste for any subject), but still very well written. /s
If you’re worried about anything, pass the time with this trivia book. It will bring you joy, make you smile, and assist you in relaxing. A number of quizzes may also be useful in learning more about the series or characters. This trivia book is just what you’ve been looking for to relax with! This trivia book will put your world knowledge to the test while also instructing you on dozens of new facts. There are a lot of interesting things to learn from issues and questions that will make you better your reasoning and problem-solving skills. There is always something new to discover! This Trivia Book is formatted into short quizzes followed by their answers to make it quick and easy to test yourself before seeing the answers first, and specific details are usually to enlarge the basic answer and add even more to your insight. Stop hesitating and choose it now because it is worth buying. There are over a thousand questions in this Trivia Book organized into a range of subjects. To make it efficient to test yourself without first seeing the answers, the categories are classified as short question quizzes that are accompanied by their explanations, and additional information is regularly added to help expand on the basic solution and add even more to your understanding.
If this hasn’t gotten you excited for this book, I don’t know what will. Maybe some pictures?

As you can see, the cover image is not an original image, but a recycling of the cover of the G.I. Joe Operation Blackout game cover art. Can you spot the minimal differences below? (Spoilers: The title is the biggest difference).

The back cover is yet another sales pitch copy/paste text where they simply change the subject title if you ask me. But please, enjoy this lovely written proze.

Unlike some other fan books – this book does come with a title page and some sort of introduction. Ok, it’s asking to leave a positive review on Amazon, but hey, it’s progress I guess.

The author is named as Morioka Ryoichi and you may know him/her from other masterpieces as the Mortal Kombat Cookbook, the Power Rangers Cookbook, the Joe Biden Coloring Book and How To Draw: 30 Minute Drawing For Beginners With Mindfulness: The Walking Dead. After all, nothing screams Mindfulness better than zombies!
Safe to say , my expectations were not very high. And I was not disappointed. The trivia is very mixed. Some questions (all multiple choice by the way) are extremely easy, some are really detailed questions. The book is split up in several chapters.

Chapter 1 called “Overview” contains questions fairly general questions. At the end of each chapter, there is an answers page. I did say answers page, not a correct answers page unfortunately. The answer on the question What was the name of Zartan’s gang? is given as Cobra L.A. Dreadnoks is one of the possibilities though. On another question the Crimson Guard is called the Crimson Wars… The disappointment only grows.
Chapter 2, “Famous details of the series” goes into more detail. Such details as “On which day was G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra was released?”(I kept the error from the book) and “Who leads the Crimson Guard?” – Hey, they got it right this time around.
Chapter 3 is called “The Comics”. It contains such comic related questions as: When was the original design of G.I. Joe designed by Stan Weston? and When was “G.I. Joe Extreme” figures were introduced by Kenner Toys? (actual question, I’ve kept the error.
Chapter 4 is titled “The movies #1” and all questions relate to the Rise of Cobra movie. Enough has been said about this movie. It would appear, the author is a fan though.
Chapter 5 has the title “The movies #2” and you guessed it, has questions on Retaliation. As with the previous chapter, not going to spend more time on it than needed.
On to Chapter 6, “The Characters”. It starts of strong-ish with questions about Snake-Eyes and Destro, but then comes the awful important character question of “How many effects companies handled the VFX of the 2013 G.I. Joe movie?”
After each chapter is an answers page as I said before, but there is also a page with some “Did you know?” trivia tidbits. The best one for me is: “Bullet Man, the weirdest G.I. Joe ever.” Now you know!
After 6 trivia filled chapters, we arrive at page 66 of 90. The rest of the book is filled with ruled pages. Yes, 12 ruled double pages to add your own questions and corrections to the book most likely.
That’s it for now. Time to put this Collection of Amazing Trivia Quizzes and Fun Facts in my bookcase and probably never take it out again. Unless you want to plan a Trivia Evening, shoot me a DM and I can send you the questions.
Happy Collecting and YoJoe!