Impel Trading Cards 1 – 3

To start this series, we’ll take a look at the first 3 cards from the 1991 Impel series. The first 7 cards of this set are displaying the Eco-Warriors subseries of G.I. Joe. It seems like a strange way to have these cards as first in the series, considering the popularity of the other characters (Snake Eyes, Cobra Commander, Scarlett, …). At the time however, these figures were just released and

The first card is Cobra member Cesspool.

The card art of this entire series is new (apart from the comic book covers on later cards) and I have to say that it looks pretty damn good. The use of vibrant colors may be a bit too much on the actual figures, on these cards it just looks good. Although the figure was released with a full cover helmet, the card art here shows Cesspool’s disfigured face

The back of the cards represent a somewhat smaller version of the file cards on the back of the figure’s cards. Notable here is that Cesspool’s file name is Vincent D’Alleva. That was the name of the Hasbro Executive overlooking the G.I. Joe franchise. Not much love for the boss if you ask me.

Next up is Flint.

The Eco Warriors needed a leader and I guess Flint takes the job personally. I, personally, think he was suckered in. Again, the figure does not do justice to the card art. He does seem to be pointing one way and shooting the other, so probably shooting some Cobra’s and giving battle field instructions to the other Eco Warriors.

The final card for today is Toxo-Viper II.

I must admit that the original 1988 Toxo-Viper (I guess they’ll be called Toxo-Viper I now), is one of my all-time favorite figures. I guess to me they have a Steampunk kinda vibe which I like. This 2.0 version doesn’t have the same impact on me. They are expendable for the Cobra High Command (leaky suit brigade anyone?) and I share that sentiment with CC.

Feel free to link this page to friends and family, heck even to people you don’t really like. If you have suggestions or remarks, leave a comment below or tweet me @EuropeanJoes.

DISCLAIMER All these cards are in my private collection and were scanned by myself. I don’t hold the rights on the card art or any text displayed on the cards.


Goint to try something new(ish)

A few years ago (when the USD-EUR exchange rate and the shipping costs were still favorable) I happened to purchase some G.I. Joe figures from a web shop I can’t remember. Anyway, while browsing for other bargains, I encountered the 2004 Wizard of the Coast’s G.I. Joe Trading Card Game Starter Pack and booster packs. Having played my share of Magic: The Gathering, I was drawn to the idea of playing a card game featuring the Joes and Cobra’s. So I ended up buying 2 Starter Packs and several booster packs, both from the first series and the Armored Strike Expansion Set. I still had my Ultra-Pro binder and inserts and soon my Magic cards were replaced by the G.I.Joe cards.


Naturally, I didn’t get the complete set of these cards with all the booster packs I ordered. See my other post on that if you have any lying around that need a new home 🙂 I have found that these cards loose are rather rare to find and that the asking prices can get very high ($ 50 for one card – seriously?). So I went back on a Google spree and I soon discovered that there were other Trading cards released and naturally my collector spirit came knocking and I was looking to buy what I could find…

The first full set of Trading Cards I was able to aquire for a decent amount, was the 1991 Impel set. I bought a full set through an eBayer, but upon arrival, it appeared that one card was not in the set. Card 132 (Dusty) to be precise. I asked the seller if this was correct and he sent me the missing card free of charge within one week! eBaying as it should be 🙂


I have recently been trying to expand my collection again (New Year’s resolutions and all) and completing my Trading Cards is high up on the priority list. I have purchased the 1987 Comic Images set and the 2013 Retaliation set (I know, Retaliation, but hey, I said I have a big collector spirit).

Okay, so after this somewhat long introduction… THE NEWS!

I will post and discuss all the Trading Cards I have in my collection, starting with the Impel set. I’ll launch a post about the cards about once a week, maybe more if this picks up some audience. So spread the word and follow my blog!


For now, happy collecting and YoJoe!

G.I. Joe Trading Cards update

I’ve been trying to complete my G.I. Joe Trading cards and have succeeded in buying a complete set of the 1994 30th Salute set.

They are now quite in place behind the complete 1991 Impel set 🙂

For the 2004 Wizards set, I’m still missing quite a few cards. I’ll list them here below, should you (or someone you know) have any lying around, just let me know and maybe we can make a deal.

Base Set
1 – Agent Faces
4 – Barbecue
12 – Duke
26 – Gung-Ho
30 – Lifeline
50 – Snake Eyes
67 – Blackout
68 – Cobra Commander
75 – Destro
106 – Storm Shadow

Armored Strike
1 – Ace
10 – Flint
14 – Hard Drive
18 – Nunchuck
23 – Shipwreck
27 – Wide Scope
29 – APC
30 – Brawler
31 – Desert Coyote
32 – Killer WHALE
34 – Night-Attack Chopper
35 – Patriot Grizzly
38 – Skystriker
40 – CLAWS Commander
46 – Copperhead
49 – Decimator
58 – Major Bludd
61 – Scrap-Iron
64 – Vypra
65 – Wild Weasel
66 – Zartan
67 – CAT II
69 – Crimson Command Copter
72 – HISS Tank
74 – Moray Hydrofoil
75 – Rattler


Happy Collecting and Yo Joe!


I’m all out of bubblegum

Well 2016 has started with the addition of one of the 16 original straight arm figures to my collection. Let’s take a moment to welcome Breaker.


My goal for 2016 is not only to share more of my collection via social media (this blog, Twitter and Instagram), but also to collect the original 16 figures (if affordable).

It’s hard to believe that these figures are the same age as me. I won’t judge on who aged better, but I will admit that they don’t really show their age.

Breaker is 100% complete with his helmet, backpack and communications headset. It also came with the original filecard. I did notice that the backpack sits quite loose on the figure, apart from that, the figure is in excellent condition and I am very glad to add him to my collection.

The next phase in my quest will also entail a way to display these figures. For now I just have them standing in an old bookcase, but I am thinking of ways to remodel my Nerd Room and give them the right displays to show them off.

Until the next time.


Happy Collecting and Yo Joe!

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