The first package of 2023 has arrived and what a package it is. Number 53 doesn’t match the Love Bug this time around, but the one and only (if you’re not counting the Valaverse Action Force figure), Sgt. Slaughter.

The box art on this one is unique in the fact that we get multiple versions of The Sarge. Top left is his WWF pose, top right looks taken from the comic books, bottom right from the cartoons/movie, front and center almost looks like a picture and then bottom left is the actual figure ‘s upper body. Somewhere in there is also a detail of his fist clenching a Classified Figure that is holding his mini-figure that is also included.

Also on the side, the art is lifelike and looks the part. Being a windowless cardboard box again, we also get actual photo’s of the figure on the back of the box. Including the actual size of The Sarge, which is, truth be told, not as big as I would have guessed. Still, he’s probably very imposing in the flesh.

That’s all for now. See you back soon. Until then, Happy Collecting and YoJoe!